Bike Trips

From here we headed off to see Lake Louise. Before we left town, we were gassing up and and one person we were chatting with told us to take the Bow Valley Parkway as it is a far more beautiful ride than just getting on to the Canada 1 main highway. He was right. It was slower of course, but much better scenery. The only disappointing part was all of the signs warning of wildlife . . . that never showed up. Especially wolves. Lots of signs for wolves, but nary an ear was seen. I got to the point where when I saw a car slowing down ahead of me and started looking wildly left and right to see what they were slowing down for. Zip.

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We eventually made our way to Lake Louise. Uh, hmmm... there are a few people here. Like maybe all of Canada - in this parking lot, endlessly circling like vultures to find a parking place. We joined the throng. I was in the lead (possibly another mistake in judgement by my fellow riders) and was about to quit when I saw a triangular area where they couldn't put a car but I thought we could squeeze 5 motorcycles. We did - and it ended up being pretty close to the Hotel as you can see in the picture on the right.

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It was pretty warm by this time, so we shed what clothes we could, grabbed our cameras and took off. The lake, of course, is just as beautiful as I remember from a vacation as a kid, though there's way less glacier in the notch at the end of the lake.

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Dave and I posed for a nice shot with the lake in the background. This ended up being the last picture of my prescription Oakley sunglasses because I lost them in the hotel. A nice girl at the front desk took down my information but wasn't too optimistic about them being found. Neither was I. It was the only downer for the whole trip. And I have no one to blame but me. It being so sunny, no shades was not an option, so I bought a pair of clip-ons that would give me some protection for the rest of the trip. If you're keeping count, this is the second trip that I've lost a pair of prescription glasses.

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Tom Clark
I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Intellitect, living in Spokane, Washington. I also do a little development work on the side. And I love riding motorcycles all over the country with my friends.

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