More traffic too, but we got around that okay, but I did get a proper scolding from my brother for an ill-advised pass when my impatience got the best of me. The lane was clear, but I passed two cars and one of them swerved a little into my lane which was a little nerve-wracking for my brother to watch, let alone for me to deal with. Lesson learned.
We eventually got to Penticton which is a great little town sandwiched, as I've said before, between two great lakes: Okanagan to the north and Skaha to the south. This time we stayed in a little motel I spotted last trip which was kitty-corner from Anthony's Pub where we ate supper. We sat there and talked for quite awhile and then retired to the motel. Dave and I watched a little TV and then finally nodded off late into the evening.
Monday, October 1, 2012
The next morning we figured we'd better get the Tylenol which was the supposed purpose of the trip. While my brother and Grant was getting that, I asked a passing local where was a good place for breakfast. "Ricky's Grill" was the answer and she gave us directions. So after the guys came out with the drugs, we headed off to Ricky's. It was a nice breakfast and would last us for quite a while.
The day was a little overcast, but no rain was predicted. We headed south through the fruit country leading to Osoyoos and the Canada/US border. We continued on down into Tonasket and then turned east onto Route 20 and stopped in
Republic for lunch and milkshakes. Then back on the road again through Sherman Pass and in to Kettle Falls for gas. I had originally planned on taking the Inchelium side south because I think it's a little prettier, but there was construction going on the bridge over the river and we decided to just take 25 south. From there we just followed the same route as last time, turning east at Hunters to connect us to 395 and back into Spokane.
This little three day trip has become a favorite because it has so many good roads and places to see. The last three days won't be the final time I take this route. It's too good to not repeat.
Tom Clark
I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Intellitect, living in Spokane, Washington. I also do a little development work on the side. And I love riding motorcycles all over the country with my friends.