That takes us due south toward Highway 200 where we headed to Thompson Falls and lunch. About 20 miles shy of Thompson Falls my brother calls to say he wants to ride out and join us today. So we talked over lunch and planned to meet in Wallace. We ate at the Thompson Falls Grill and it was a great lunch. We heartily recommend it. Originally I had us routed down through Plains, then over to St. Regis and I-90.
The reason was to get to Wallace and then take the Nine Mile Road loop through Dobson Pass and then loop around on route 9 back to Kingston. So when Dave called we said we'd meet him in Wallace since it would take us quite awhile to get there. But we realised that just west of Thompson Falls is highway 471, which takes us through Thompson Pass and then on to Pritchard which connects to route 9.
So we decided to save some time and take that to get to Wallace which was just as well, as Dave got there just 10 minutes after we got there. Great Timing! We also ran into Greg Nolan who just had to get out and ride and I saw him walking down the sidewalk while we were waiting for Dave. A word on the Nine Mile Road. They were working on it and it was down to 1 lane in two places, but aside from a little gravel on some of the corners, this was a great road. Since it was a little later than we had thought, Grant and Tim headed off on I-90 for home and I took Dave back up Nine Mile Road and then connected to Route 9 which follows the Coeur d'Alene River and what a beautiful valley to ride through. Not a challanging twisty road, but just beautiful. Dave and I were chatting the whole way home via our Sena headsets, finishing the route home by taking I-90.
It was a great two days and I'd do it again. I created the route by using the Butler Motorcycle maps I had purchased earlier in the year. They really help focus in on great roads for motorcyclists.
Tom Clark
I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Intellitect, living in Spokane, Washington. I also do a little development work on the side. And I love riding motorcycles all over the country with my friends.