Saturday, October 4, 2014
The ride back was even more beautiful because the sun was out all day. However there was a problem. I had planned to take video with my GoPro but left a couple crucial attachments at home. So I stopped here and there for a few still shots that caught my eye. I wasn't going to let the lack of video bother me though. I was just way too pretty a day for that. West of the mountains and in the mountain passes it was a bit overcast as the sun fought for dominance. Eventually it broke out and made for a gorgeous ride. For the route home instead of heading north I took SR155 out of Omak heading southeast.
It's a nice meandering highway through the barren Columbia Basin - nothing to write home about as they say. However, at Nespelem I headed east on Cache Creek Road which runs throught the Colville Indian Reservation. I have to tell you that I have found a gem of a road! Though it at first warned of gravel due to chip-sealing, the sign wasn't needed because there was no gravel. True, it made me nervous for a bit and will be much better next year after more traffic. But eventually it switched to older asphalt and it was super smooth. Twists and turns and zero traffic. I mean literally zero. It was if I had a private track. The best part was in the middle of it all there about 3 or 4 miles of brand spankin' new asphalt that was smooth as silk.
Lean? Oh yeah, as much as you want and then some. Nice and grippy. It's only 16 miles long and eventually it ended at SR21 which I took north a few miles so I could connect to Bridge Creek Road taking me to Inchellium and the Gifford Ferry. It is also a great riding road and about twice as long as the Cache Creek road. Taking the ferry again, I retraced yesterday's path home and pulled into my drive way around 4:30pm. The shorter route south was 337 miles for a total weekend trip of 716 miles. It was a great ride and one I'll remember to take again.
Tom Clark
I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Intellitect, living in Spokane, Washington. I also do a little development work on the side. And I love riding motorcycles all over the country with my friends.